Sabaidee Bot
Conventional wisdom tells us that when we get sick, we should go seek medical care. But not every illness requires a doctor–in fact many minor medical issues can be treated ourselves.
Sabaidee Bot is a healthcare assistant who offers a simple concept: with the right information you can start taking care of your own health. Observing your health and recording symptoms is helpful for maintaining your well-being–especially during a pandemic.

Better Yourself, Better Your Community
Keeping a daily health journal is a reminder to pay close attention to your body and notice how well you are feeling or what symptoms you may have. Sabaidee provides basic self-care advice for symptoms and possible illnesses that a user has recorded. If you get sick, it’s useful to have the ability to look back at your daily health history to help doctors investigate when exactly the illness started and whether there were any early indicators of infection.
Taking care of your own health actually helps take care of public health as well. If everyone takes care of their own health, then our greater community will be healthier as a result. Users can view the current public health status from the anonymously reported health reports (part of a Participatory Disease Surveillance database) by choosing to view the situation at the provincial or national level.
Public health may become clearer as the collective unit of citizens gets smaller–such as evaluating the health of one’s workplace, their school, or an organization. Sabaidee has created a system that allows groups of people to take care of their members by looking at the overall health situation from the anonymous health reports for their organization. Companies can their employees identify, respond, and recover from health events in their organization.
Sabaidee Bot and COVID-19
Sabaidee Bot can be used in many contexts, especially for helping citizens keep vigilant and take care of themselves during the COVID-19 pandemic.
For example, Sabaidee Bot has partnered with the Ministry of Public Health and affiliated public hospitals to develop a system for registering suspected COVID-19 patients (PUI – Patient Under Investigation) by completing intake information and preliminary symptom data automatically via chat bot. Since the data is collected automatically without the need for medical staff, the risk of transmission is reduced and the safety of nurses and doctors is protected. The medical staff can verify the accuracy of the intake information and forward the data to the relevant agencies electronically. Hospitals will also notify the patient of their test results and next steps via Sabaidee Bot.
Sabaidee Bot as a Data Collection Tool
Sabaidee Bot assesses readiness to return to school via “New Normal” methodology from a partnership with the School of Public Health Mahidol University.
Sabaidee Bot provides a readiness assessment along with practical recommendations that help Mahidol University reopen the school safely and responsibly. Data collected via Sabaidee Bot feeds into an internal dashboard which provides an overview of the assessment results, which can be used by Mahidol to help in their decision-making for reopening the school.
Collecting issue data from marginalized groups with Buddy HomeCare in Chiang Mai
Buddy HomeCare is a social enterprise that provides volunteer caregiving to the elderly. Sabaidee Bot enables Buddy HomeCare caregivers and volunteers to collect data of vulnerable groups in their communities by reporting their issues, sharing the locations, and taking pictures of their living environment. Then Buddy HomeCare will seek help for the issues and analyze the data to find the root causes of the problems and improve the livelihood.

Observe and log health symptoms through Sabaidee Bot daily

Receive basic symptoms relief advices after loging.

Records from each user will be anonymously presented as overview community health, which users can select area.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Sabaidee Bot provided useful information about COVID-19 and became one of the tools to communicate with PUI